Save the settings
Click MENU on the printers application icon on the Icon Bar, move up the list to the 'Save
setting' option and click SELECT.
Different ways of starting the printing process
Printing a file using the Print menu option
The long-hand way of printing a document is to position the pointer inside the document
window, click MENU, locate the 'Print' option (which might be in a submenu depending on
the application being used), and then click with SELECT to open the print dialogue box.
Printing a file using the Print Scrn key on the keyboard
Pressing the <PRINT> key on the keyboard will bring up on screen the printer dialogue box
for the application in which you are currently working. When this window appears you will
have the option of printing (for which you can simply press <RETURN>), adding certain
conditions such as how many pages and orientation etc. depending on the application, or
cancelling the print command.
Another method of printing (drag and drop)
If you have a document which you have saved to disc (hard disc or floppy disc...) then you
can simply drag the file from its filer directory window onto the active printers application
icon on the Icon Bar to send it straight to the printer. If it needs to (and if it can locate it) the
computer will automatically load the appropriate application to enable any application
resources it might require.