Chapter 1 SCPI Command Overview
DS4000E Programming Guide
Chapter 1
SCPI Command Overview
This chapter introduces the syntax, symbols, parameters, and abbreviation rules of the SCPI commands.
Contents in this chapter:
The SCPI commands provide a hierarchical tree structure, and consist of multiple subsystems. Each
command subsystem consists of one root keyword and one or more sub-keywords. The command line
usually starts with a colon; the keywords are separated by colons, and following the keywords are the
parameter settings available. The command ending with a question mark indicates querying a certain
function. The keywords of the command and the first parameter is separated by a space.
For example,
:CALCulate:ADVanced:EXPRession <str>
CALCulate is the root keyword of the command. ADVanced is the second-level keyword, and EXPRession is
the third-level keyword. The command line starts with a colon, and a colon is also used to separate the
multiple-level keywords. <str> represents the parameters available for setting. The command line ending
with a question mark indicates that it is a query command.
The command :CALCulate:ADVanced:EXPRession and the parameter <str> are separated by a space.
In some commands with multiple parameters, commas are often used to separate these parameters. For
:SYSTem:DATE <year>,<month>,<day>.
Symbol Description
Braces { }
The contents enclosed in the braces are parameter options, which are usually separated by the vertical
bar "|". When using the command, you must select one of the parameter options.
Vertical Bar |
The vertical bar is used to separate multiple parameter options. When using the command, you must
select one of the parameter options.
Square Brackets [ ]
The contents in the square brackets can be omitted.
Angle Brackets < >
The parameter enclosed in the angle brackets must be replaced by an effective value.