Hybrid Servo Driver with Modbus RTU communication
(Max. 50Vdc and 7A per phase)
Page 11
Hybrid AC Driver [RMCS-1120]
Modbus RTU Master’s Command List for Setting Motion Profile
For setting any Command’s value, the Modbus Master Queries with the RTU Function 0x06. The query
frame contains 8 bytes. Some Right Shift (“>>”) and “&” operations on the input value are required in
order to tackle the data type issues.
SDA stands for Slave Drive Address
The Motion Status must be IDLE before sending Motion Profiler Status Commands except 2 and
Command Modbus Master Query Frame
SDA, 0x06, 0x20, 0x00, (Value >> 8), (Value & 0xFF), CRC16
SDA, 0x06, 0x20, 0x01, (Value >> 8), (Value & 0xFF), CRC16
SDA, 0x06, 0x20, 0x02, ((Value & 0xFFFF) >> 8), (Value & 0xFF), CRC16
SDA, 0x06, 0x20, 0x03, (Value >> 24), ((Value & 0xFFFFFF) >> 16), CRC16
Motion Status
SDA, 0x06, 0x20, 0x04, (Value >> 8), (Value & 0xFF), CRC16
Power Supply Selection
The general rule of thumb to get the most out of the motor is to drive it with a supply voltage that is at-
least 3 to 4 times its rated supply voltage. A DC regulated power supply with good low-ESR decoupling
capacitors on its output is recommended for best performance of this drive.
LED Status and Error Codes
There is a single LED on this drive for power and error status messages. In case the LED is blinking or
flickering please check all connections and powered-down, wait for 5 seconds and then power-up the drive
once again.
LED State
Green LED ON and steady
Powered up and calibrated
Red LED Flickering randomly
Current Trigger Level Achieved
Red LED blinking
Short circuit on motor terminals or drive message to connection error