Hybrid Servo Driver with Modbus RTU communication
(Max. 50Vdc and 7A per phase)
Page 23
Hybrid AC Driver [RMCS-1120]
commands just uncheck the checkbox. If "Test M+ & M-" checkbox is checked motion will be in both
directions. All the commands for movement send 32 bit position to modbus registers which are actually
two 16 bit registers. Sending any motion commands from software will show this 32 bit value divided in to
two 16 bit values in status bar in decimal and hex format.
M- button work same as M+ but the motion will be in reverse direction.
M100, M-100, M1000, M-1000, M4000 and M-4000 commands will work same as M+ but with fixed
number of steps.
The RMCS-1120 drive supports absolute 32 bit positon output on modbus. This means that the drive can
show the absolute position of 2147483648 counts in both directions after startup. This range is enough for
most applications as its about 536870 revolutions or 214 minutes (3 Hours and 34 minutes) of running at
2500 RPM in each direction. The software can show this position and also set it to zero(Home).
"Set Home" button can be used to set current position to absolute 0 or home position. "Go To Home"
button will send the command to move the motor at the 0 position. "Go to absolute position" button will
send the command to move the motor to absolute position given in text box.