Hybrid Servo Driver with Modbus RTU communication
(Max. 50Vdc and 7A per phase)
Page 19
Hybrid AC Driver [RMCS-1120]
Once the drive is connected through converter and drivers are installed there should be a COM port for the
connection. It should be selected in the software in the 'Modbus Serial Port Connection' section.
If the Com port for your connection is not visible, clicking on the dropdown will refresh the list of available
ports. Click Connect button to connect to the specified com port.
Once the connection is done, you will also need to select
the slave address to communicate with drive. Slave address
can be from 1 to 247.
If you don't know the slave addresses for connected drives
you may click the Search button for Available Slaves. It will
search from 1 to 247 slaves for response. If it gets a
response the slave will be added in drop down. You can see
the progress in status bar. It will take a lot of time to scan
all devices. You may press cancel when all connected
devices are found. Once the process is finished you can
select any slave address from the drop down of Available
Slaves to communicate to it.
Once a valid slave address is selected the drive will start
communicating to software and the connection status
indicator will turn green. It will also change colors between
green and yellow-green to indicate communication. Also the
software will load all the parameters stored in drive.
You may also change the update interval through drop
down. Lower the interval - faster the communication will
be. However it will also consume more CPU. If you are
running a slow PC or the software slows down your PC you
may increase it. Ideally 10 to 50 ms interval will suite most