Hybrid Servo Driver with Modbus RTU communication
(Max. 50Vdc and 7A per phase)
Page 20
Hybrid AC Driver [RMCS-1120]
On the Parameters section you can see all the parameters
loaded from the currently connected drive. If you change
the slave address, the parameters will be loaded for the new
You may also click 'Read Parameters' button at any point to
read the parameters from drive.
Description of each parameter can be seen by hovering the
mouse cursor over it. If it isn't showing the tooltip you can
enable it from Help menu.
You may change the parameters by typing into the textbox.
You can save it to the drive by pressing enter. You may also
change multiple parameters and click 'Write Parameters'
button to save all parameters. Only the parameters which
are changed will be written.
You can save all the parameters for a particular drive to a
file and load it when required. On opening such saved file all
the parameters will be written to the drive and drive will
immediately start responding according to the new
In case you have set the parameters wrongly and you want
to reset it, you may click the 'Reset Parameters of All Drives
on Modbus' button. This will reset all the drives connected
on modbus. Its recommended that you do this only when
one drive is connected because otherwise it will
reset the
slave address of each connected drive to 1,
this will
make all the drive communicating simultaneously to the
software and it may show wrong values or misbehave.
Ideally you should connect drives one by one and change
their slave addresses to greater than 1 value. After all your
drive are programmed with different slave addresses you
may connect them all to the modbus lines and configure
through the software.
After connecting a new motor or resetting the parameters its
recommended to click the 'Current Gains Auto Tune' button
once. This will set the current gains according to the motor