Hybrid Servo Driver with Modbus RTU communication
(Max. 50Vdc and 7A per phase)
Page 21
Hybrid AC Driver [RMCS-1120]
When the drive is connected the motion data is polled every few
milliseconds which are specified in Update Interval drop down box. This
data is shown in then 'Stream Data' Section. It shows realtime information
about motor's data like 1. Actual Position error between given command
and current position, 2. Actual 32 bit position of encoder (from startup or
set position) 3. Approximate speed in RPM 4. Exact angular positon of
encoder in counts and degrees 5. Approximate current.
This data is also shown in graph if the graph is enabled. In graph you can
set the multiplier of each parameter and range to get all the logged data
visible properly. The graph also shows number of readings taken. Each
section on X axis of graph shows 500 readings. If the graph is slowing
down your system you may change the number of reading to log per
refresh. Ideally 10 to 50 readings per refresh will be fine for most PCs.
Graph can be a very useful tool when tuning the PIDs for drive and motor.