C. PRBS Scripts > Tsi576_framer_disable.txt Script
Tsi576 User Manual
June 6, 2016
Integrated Device Technology
Tsi576_framer_disable.txt Script
This script turns off the word alignment framer because PRBS patterns are not word aligned. This
script is only for use with PRBS patterns.
In this script, the HALF_RATE bit is set corresponding to port operation at 1.25 Gbps. PRBS testing at
2.5 or 3.125 Gbps requires the HALF_RATE bit to be cleared. The data to be written therefore
becomes 0x203CE511.
//i 0
//Port 0
w 130b0 A03CE511 //Clear RX_ALIGN_EN
w 130b4 A03CE511
w 130b8 A03CE511
w 130bc A03CE511
//Port 2
w 132b0 A03CE511 //Clear RX_ALIGN_EN
w 132b4 A03CE511
w 132b8 A03CE511
w 132bc A03CE511
//Port 4
w 134b0 A03CE511 //Clear RX_ALIGN_EN
w 134b4 A03CE511
w 134b8 A03CE511
w 134bc A03CE511
//Port 6
w 136b0 A03CE511 //Clear RX_ALIGN_EN
w 136b4 A03CE511
w 136b8 A03CE511
w 136bc A03CE511
//Port 8
w 138b0 A03CE511 //Clear RX_ALIGN_EN
w 138b4 A03CE511