Radiolink Electronic Ltd
Note: if you want this, but on/off with a switch, set AIL1 and 2 to 0 here, and use 2 mixes.
AIL-to-AUX2 (link/trim off, assign a switch), get aileron action from the elevator servos when the
assigned switch is on.
The AILEVATOR mixing function uses one servo on each of the two elevators, and combines the
elevator function with the aileron function (unless aileron travel is set to 0). For aileron effect, the
elevators are raised and lowered opposite of one another in conjunction with the ailerons.’
Once AILEVATOR is activated, unless you zero out the aileron figures (see below), any time you
move your ailerons or any programming moves your ailerons (i.e. RUDDER-AILERON mixing), the
radio automatically commands both elevator servos to also operate as ailerons. To deactivate this
action, simply set the 2 aileron travel settings to 0 in the AILEVATOR function. This way the
elevators will work only as elevators.
Activate twin
elevator servos.
Deactivate the
–as-ailerons portion
of this function.
Note: depending
upon your model’s
geometry, may need
to reverse one servo
or set a negative
percentage here.
to BASIC .
again to ADVANCE
Activate the function.
to ACT.
Optional: adjust up/down travel when
operating as ailerons. (Ex:0)
to 0%, press
to 0%, press
Optional: adjust total elevator travel
of each servo. (Ex: right servo
elevator travel to 98%,left to 96%)
to 98%, press
to 96%, press
3.3.9 Snap Rolls (ACRO)
This function allows you to execute snap rolls by flipping a switch, providing the same input every
time. It also removes the need to change dual rates on the 3 channels prior to performing a snap, as
SNAP-ROLL always takes the servos to the same position, regardless of dual rates, inputs held
during the snap, etc.
Note: Every MULTIROTOR snaps differently due to its C.G., control throws, moments, etc. Some
models snap without aileron; others snap on elevator alone. Most models snap most precisely with
a combination of all 3 surfaces. Additionally, rate of speed and acceleration when using the snap
switch will affect how the model snaps. For information using gyros with airplanes for cleaner
precision maneuvers, such as snaps and spins without over rotation.
• Travel: Adjust the amount of elevator, aileron and rudder travel automatically applied.
• Range: -120 to +120 on all 3 channels. Default is 100% of range of all 3 channels.
• Directions: Up to 4 separate snaps is fully adjustable regarding travels and direction on each of the
3 channels.
Note: for simplicity, the radio refers to snaps that use “UP” or positive elevator as “U” or “UP” snaps.
This is more commonly referred to as a positive or inside snap. “D” or “DOWN” snaps are more