Construction manual:
PiXtend V1.3 Full
Kit Assembly
→ In the first step the jumpers are getting set to the middle and the left pin (position
“DO”). Which effect the setting of this jumper has you too will find out in the
Jumper „+5V_PI“ / „ON OFF“ next to the 26poligen tub connector:
→ With this jumper is getting decided if the 5V supply of the PiXtend will be used or
not. If you connect only one power supply to the PiXtend and the Raspberry Pi
should have no extra supply so this jumper has to be set to “ON”. More infos you
find in the datasheet!
If the jumper “5V_PI” is at position “ON”, then it is not allowed to
connect another power supply to the Raspberry Pi.
The possible compensation currents between the both power
supply units can lead to malfunction, overheating of
components or even the defect of them!
Pin header „I²C 5V“ / „SDA SCL“:
→ Is not thought for setting jumpers! Here you can devices be connected to the
Don't set jumpers!
Jumper „10V 5V“ (analogue inputs) and „5V 24V“ (digital inputs)
→ Should in first step be set to “24V” at the digital inputs and to “10V” at the
analogue inputs. Here can be changed the input voltage later if needed.
If you are not sure at setting the jumpers, so it is always the safest to not set the
jumper. More information to the jumpers and there effects you can find in the
PiXtend- datasheet.
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