Construction manual:
PiXtend V1.3 Full
Kit Assembly
If only one of both pins is soldered you still have the possibility to align the socket again.
All sockets should be overlie flat on the circuit board how it is shown in figure 7.
Should the socket not lie flat on the board, then it is possible that it leads to mechanical
problems later at the mounting of the ICs.
Press if necessary with one hand the socket on the circuit board and alternate warming the
two pins with the soldering iron from the other side (only short time!). Do this with every
socket if they are not lying flat.
Attention at the aligning of the sockets!
Pay attention that you don't touch the socket at the place which you
are warming with the soldering iron from the other side.
Danger of burns!
Now all Sockets should lie flat, so all other pins can be soldered. You built a good and solid
base for the integrated circuits that will pay off later.
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