Construction manual:
PiXtend V1.3 Full
Kit Assembly
2.4 Pin header for Jumper
In the assembly kit are attached two 36-pole pin headers (Figure 34).
The pin headers now can be shortened to the needed length with a flat pliers. As an
example we shorten a 3-pole jumper block. The plastic part of the pin header is hold with
the pliers on the third pin. With the other hand the rest of the pins (in one piece) can be
Grab with your fingers as near as possible to the predetermined breaking point or the
plastic maybe will break at another point as wanted.
Following lengths are needed:
1x 24 Pins
1x 6 Pins
6x 3 Pins
1x 2 Pins
The best is to start with the longest piece (24 pins). Should a long piece break at an
unwanted place, so it is possible to make another smaller piece out of it.
A certain percentage buffer for failures we indeed have inserted. So some pins will remain.
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Figure 34: 36-pole pin header and flat pliers