PiXtend eIO Hardware Manual
1. About this Documentation
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This documentation is part of the product and is to be kept for the entire duration of the
products usage. If the product is passed on or sold, this document must be handed over to
the next user, this also include any extensions to this documentation.
1.1. Scope
This documentation applies only to the software components specified in the table of
contents and to PiXtend eIO devices of the following types:
- PiXtend eIO Digital One Basic (QS item: 800)
- PiXtend eIO Digital One Pro (QS item: 801)
- PiXtend eIO Analog One Basic (QS item: 810)
- PiXtend eIO Analog One Pro (QS item: 811)
All further documents for these products can be found on our homepage at
s ://www.pixtend.de/downloads/
1.2. Copyright
This documentation, including all texts and pictures, is protected by copyright. The written
approval of Qube Solutions GmbH, Eningen u.A., GERMANY, must be obtained for any
other use, translation into other languages, archiving or other alteration.
Copyright 2019 © Qube Solutions GmbH
Copyright by Qube Solutions GmbH
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