During typical day-to-day library operation, no human intervention is required to
operate the tape drives in the RLS. Instead, the tape drives are controlled by the
software applications.
Although the tape drives are typically controlled by the software, you may
occasionally want to view information about their status using the tape drives screen.
Figure 7-3 The Tape Drives Screen
Table 7-2 describes the tape drive screen information displayed.
Field Description
The physical location of the tape drive (T1, T2, T3, T4 or T5 for a single
library) When the FastPass elevator expansion option is used, the
additional library locations will read: 2T1, 2T2… 3T1, 3T2, etc all the way
up to 4T5 when four RLS-85XX libraries are interconnected.
The partition that the tape drive is assigned to / What mode the tape
drive has been assigned (Disabled, Dual Bin, Library, Recycle or
Host Intf.
The interface type of the drive will be listed: FC (Fibre channel) or SAS
(Serial Attached SCSI) followed by the connection speed listed in
parenthesis. For example: FC (3) represents a fibre channel drive with a
connection speed of 3 Gigabits. If the tape drive has dual ports and both
ports are connected that would look like the following example FC (3, 4).
The possible speeds displayed range from NC (no connection) up to 10.
The model of the tape drive (Manufacturer and tape format)
Serial No.
The serial number of the individual tape drive
FW Rev.
The revision of the firmware installed on the tape drive
Represents the status information displayed on the tape drives single
character display.
Primary WWPN
The World Wide Port Name assigned to tape drives with a single fibre
channel port and this will be the first connection for dual port tape drives.
Secondary WWPN Some tape drives have two fibre channel ports and if the second port is
connected its assigned WWPN will be shown here.
Table 7-2 Tape Drive Screen Information
511000 Rev. F
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