7.11 Syslog Server
Configure the NAS as a Syslog server, create Syslog filters and view available Syslog
messages on this page.
Se rv e r Se ttings
Se rv e r Se ttings :
To configure the NAS as a Syslog server and allow it to receive
Syslog messages from clients, enable Syslog Server. Select the protocols (TCP and/
or UDP) the NAS uses to receive Syslog messages. Specify the port numbers if
necessary or use the default port number 514. Click "Apply" to save the settings.
After enabling the NAS as a Syslog server, enter the NAS IP as the Syslog server IP
on the Syslog clients to receive Syslog messages from them.
Log Se ttings :
Specify the maximum log size (1-100 MB) of Syslog messages, the
location (NAS shared folder) where the logs will be saved, and the file name. Once
the logs have reached their maximum size, the log file will be automatically archived
and renamed with the archive date as MyLogFile_yyyy_mm_dd, for example
MyLogFile_2011_12_31. If multiple log files are archived on the same day, the file
will be named as MyLogFile_yyyy_mm_dd.[number]. For example,
MyLogFile_2011_12_31.1, MyLogFile_2011_12_31.2, and so on. Click "Apply" to save
the settings.
E m a il Notific a tion:
The NAS supports sending email alerts to up to 2 dedicated
email addresses (configured in "System Settings" > "Notification" > "Alert