Configure the SMSC server settings to send SMS messages to specified phone numbers
from the NAS. Follow these steps to set up a SMSC server:
1. Choose an SMS service provider. The default SMS service provider is Clickatell. You
can add your own SMS service provider by selecting "Add SMS Provider" from the
drop-down menu. When "Add SMS service provider" is selected, enter the name of
the SMS provider and the URL template text.
2. Specify to enable SSL connection to the SMS service provider and fill out the server
details, including the login name, login password and server API_ID.
3. Enable the alert notification by ticking the checkbox "When a system error event
occurs, send a SMS notification to the following phone number". Up to two phone
numbers can be specified to receive instant system alerts from the NAS.
Note :
The URL template text must follow the standard of the SMS service provider
to receive the SMS alert properly.
Pus h Se rv ic e
The push service lets you receive notification messages on your mobile devices if a
warning or error event occurs - allowing you to quickly receive first-hand information
from your NAS and instantly react to keep your data safe. You must have "Qmanager"
installed on your mobile devices to receive notifications.
Note :
You must have firmware QTS 4.2.0 with Qmanager iOS 1.8.0 / Qmanager
Android 2.1.0 or above.
Follow these steps to set up the push service:
1. Log into myQNAPcloud using your QID.
2. Choose the notification types that you want to receive (warnings or errors.)
3. Install Qmanager on your mobile device (Qmanager iOS 1.8.0 / Android 2.1.0 or
4. Log into the NAS using Qmanager and confirm to receive push notifications (you can
also disable this service in Qmanager > click ">" next to a NAS connection > "server
settings" page > change push service properties.)
5. The NAS will send alert notifications to paired mobile devices when a warning or
error event occurs.