5.2 User Groups
A user group is a collection of users with the same access rights to files or folders.
The NAS creates the following user groups by default:
administrators: All the members in this group have administration rights of the NAS.
This group cannot be deleted.
everyone: All the registered users belong to this group. This group cannot be
The number of user groups you can create on the NAS varies by NAS model. If your NAS
is not listed, visit http://www.qnap.com for more details.
M a x im um num be r of
us e r groups
NAS m ode ls
TS-110, TS-210
TS-112, TS-119, TS-119P+, TS-212, TS-219P+, TS-
410, TS-239 Pro II+, TS-259 Pro+