Power Up Procedures
Power Up Procedures
1. UDACT-9100 board should be securely mounted mechanically into Potter PFC-9000 and PFC-5000 Fire
Alarm Panels.
2. Check that the telephone lines are connected as shown in Figure 3.
3. Connect cable from P1 on the UDACT-9100 board to the Fire Alarm Control Panel. Connects to P2 for Potter
PFC-9000 and P4 for the Potter PFC-5000 Fire Alarm Control Panels.
4. Connect the CFG-LCD Configuration Tool to the U18 connector and place over the mounting studs on the
UDACT-9100 above the keypad and secure. This CFG-LCD Configuration Tool can be removed once
configuration has been completed.
5. Power up the Fire Alarm Panel and the message on the CFG-LCD Configuration Tool should be:
Basic Operation and Supervision
The UDACT-9100 can receive events from the FACP through the RS-485 data link and the common relay
connections on the PR-5000 ribbon cable. It will always report events sorted in the order in which they are received/
recognized. When the dialer buffer is full, all new incoming events will be ignored. While working in the UDACT
mode, the detailed zone information (event code with zone number) will be reported to the monitoring station. The
UDACT-9100 also monitors the communication on the RS-485 between the FACP and itself. If the sum of the RS-
485 data link errors within 24 hours exceeds the predefined threshold, a Communication Trouble with ID# 485 will
be reported during the 24-hour periodic test. While working in the DACT mode, UDACT-9100 scans the common
relay connections from the FACP (including Common Alarm, Common Supervisory and Common Trouble relays)
and reports the common status only.
The UDACT-9100 is capable of reporting multiple events to a single account number, within a single call session.
For a single event not yet reported, up to 4 retries will be made within a single call attempt. A failure to report to
either or both accounts will generate corresponding events that will be queued for reporting. Once the UDACT-9100
fails to report on all telephone lines, it stops retrying, but an Alarm Event, Manual Test or 24-hour Periodic Test will
force the UDACT-9100 to seize the line and try reporting again. For two regular Telco telephone line connections,
the UDACT-9100 checks each line operation by reporting the 24-hour periodic test result on Line #1 or Line #2
The UDACT-9100
continuously supervises the status of each of two connected Telco Lines at approximately 1
minute intervals. The regular line supervision includes DC voltage level validation and dial tone detection. Line
supervision is skipped while (1) the dialer is busy reporting, (2) the modem is working or (3) there is ringing on the
line. If the line supervision fails, a Line #1 or Line #2 Trouble will be reported after a 30 second verification. Once the
line has been restored, a Line Trouble Restore will be reported.
00:00 SUN 2006-10-01
Summary of Contents for UDACT-9100
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