Copyright Planika Sp. z o.o.
Placing the inspection hatch
The fireplace must be installed with the inspection hatch supplied with the unit. This is necessary in order to
ensure sustainable, safe and correct operation and also facilitates free access to the block of the gas assembly
during service and maintenance. During transport, the gas assembly is attached to the metal body of the
device. It should be removed and placed in the inspection hatch during installation. Inspection hatch should
be placed as low as possible in the wall of the fireplace housing. The lower part of the inspection hatch could
not reach higher than the surface of the burner of the device. Inspection hatch should be placed only inside
dry room.
If for aesthetic reasons attached to the fireplace inspection hatch will be replaced by another one,
the installer must take care about the correct and safe positioning of the gas assembly inside.
o place an inspection hatch in the wall of the fireplace, you should make a hole in it with dimensions of
205x255 mm, which can be made in horizontal or vertical position. Place an inspection hatch In this hole,
together with gas assembly, bearing in mind that it cannot be mounted upside down (Picture 4). Position of
the driver can be adjusted in the range of 0 ° to 90 ° relative to its vertical position.
Picture 4 -
The location of the inspection hatch
In order to mount the gas assembly inside the inspection hatch you should:
Remove the handle with the gas assembly components (B - Picture 5) from the fireplace casing from a
temporary location for the duration of the transport.
Unroll the ignition cables and ionization electrode cable. This will prevent, among other things, poor
operation of ignition. Be sure not to lead the ionization electrode cables and ignition electrodes next
to the metal parts.