Command Line Interface User’s Guide
This command stops the DHCP server.
[1234 @ dhcpserver]$ stop
DHCP Server stoppped !!!
[1234 @ dhcpserver]$
subnet if add -o -subnet <subnet> -netmask <mask> -startip <startip> -endip <endip> -
leasetime <lease time in days> -broadcast <broadcast-address> -dns <name-server> -dns2
<name-server2> -gateway <gateway> -server <serverip> -file <filename>
subnet if delete
subnet if list
Configuration of DHCP to serve the specified IP addresses. There are three subnet commands
configuring the DHCP entry. The add option is used to specify the IP addresses and other aspects
of the configuration. The list option shows the configured subnets. The delete command removes
the serving of the specified subnet.
-subnet <subnet>
The subnet that the server will serve IP addresses on.
-netmask <mask>
The subnet mask for the subnet that the server will serve IP addresses on.
-startip <startip> -endip <endip>
The range of IP addresses that will be served. The startip and endip define this range with the
beginning and ending IP addresses to be served. These addresses are specified in dot notation.
-gateway <gateway-address>
The IP address of the gateway. This information is passed to the DHCP clients which they use
for a default route entry. By default the IP address of this endpoint is passed to the DHCP clients
as the gateway.
-leasetime <leasetime>
88 1800-A2-GB20-00