Employee Screen Features
4.5 Customer Database
If you would like to keep track of your customers, perhaps with the included
loyalty system or with house accounts, they will all be located here once created.
On the left-hand side of the customer database is a list of all your current custom-
ers if you have any saved.
At the top right, you can scan the customer’s ID to locate them if you have
the appropriate scanner. To the right of this, you can also create a New Customer.
When creating a new customer, the only information you need is their First and
Last name and at least one of the values highlighted in pink. If you are using the
loyalty program, make sure to include on the customer a Loyalty ID. If you don’t
want to assign a random number and aren’t using physical loyalty cards, you can
also use their phone number as their Loyalty ID.
There are a lot of other things you can set here for your customers depending
on what you use in your system. They are listed below.