The first employee who clocks in that has access to the cash drawer (manager, bar-
tender, etc) will be prompted to open the cash drawer with starting cash. If ready to
open the cash drawer, the employee can select yes and proceed to opening the cash
drawer. If this step is bypassed, the drawer can instead be opened from the Employee
tab with the Open Cash Drawer button.
2. Count the drawer by denomination and then select Confirm. The drawer is
now open on this station. If an employee is supposed to take sales to this drawer,
such as a bartender, make sure they are prompted to join the drawer when clocking
in, or select the Join Drawer button on the Employee tab.
3. Servers using a server bank won’t have access to the drawer and won’t be able to Join
the drawer. The server will take sales as normal and anytime they receive a cash pay-
ment, they will supply change from their own server bank.