Admin Screen Features
Company Settings - Inventory
These options are tailored more toward those who want to keep better track-
ing of their items in the system. Keep in mind that inventory in Paradise applies
to the individual items created in the system and not what goes together to make
those items if they are dinner entrees or cocktails. This inventory system is particu-
larly useful for those wanting to track retail inventory or know how many of a cer-
tain dinner entree or dessert are available.
• Refunds Return Inventory:
sets a refunded ticket to return the items refunded
to inventory; counts do not apply to open refund tickets.
• Prompt for Refunds Return Inventory:
prompts to set whether or not the items
on a ticket are returned to inventory counts.
• Default Item Department for Quick Create:
when items are created with a scan-
ner, they are defaulted to a new category called Quick Create; change this de-
fault by selecting a different category already in the system in the blank.
• Enable Low Count Alerts:
sets the system to alert an employee when they order
something that is below par; the item must have Low Count Alert set and an
amount above 0 in its Par value.
• Allow Auto86 of Items:
allows an item thats On Hand is 0 to be greyed out on
the menu/inventory screen and will not allow employees to order the item with-
out manager permission.
• Use Coconut:
sets the system’s inventory to be handled by the app Coconut.