Admin Screen Features
Edit Modifier Groups
The modifier group screen has two sides. The left of the screen are all of the
groups already created in the system. The right side contains the specific modifiers
and group rules for the selected group.
Each Modifier Group must have a name. If creating a new one, make sure it is
one that makes its use easily recognizable. Below the name are three fields called
Modifier Group Rules that will help dictate how many of the modifiers within the
modifier group can be selected.
Modifier Group Rules
Min Modifiers:
this is the minimum amount of modifiers an employee will have to select
when this group appears on a menu item. If the group is not a guided modifier group, this
value can remain at zero.
Max Modifiers:
this is the maximum amount of modifiers an employee can select from this
group when it appears on a menu item.
Free Modifiers:
if the modifiers within this modifier group charge but the customer is al-
lowed a certain amount free before they are charged, that amount will be listed here.