Admin Screen Features
Page 2 Settings
• Set Decimals:
when enabled, allows you to edit the blank for Qty Decimals be-
low Additional Fields.
• Prompt for ID:
when enabled, the system will prompt an age requirement for
the item that can be set to either 18 or 21; when enabled on an item, the sys-
tem will request that the customer’s ID passes the age requirement on any tick-
et that has this item on it on the pay screen.
Loyalty Exempt:
exempts the item from giving any loyalty points to customers if
you are using the Loyalty program.
Smart Tax:
sets an item for smart tax, which sets the item up to not charge any
tax that would normally be applied to it from it’s department unless rang in with
items that aren’t smart tax; used mostly in restaurants that only charge tax on
liquor unless ordered with food, due to state tax laws.
• Limit SKU:
limits the SKU to the amount of digits you specify; when used in
conjunction with Ignore Last Digits, you can set how many of the last digits the
scanner ignores. This is best used with Price from SKU to extract pricing from
certain item SKUs.
• Price From SKU:
allows the item to gain it’s price from the SKU of the item; next
to this is a blank that will allow you to set what last SKU digits the system regis-
ters as the price.
• Recipe:
when the Paradise system is used in conjunction with the Coconut in-
ventory app, allows you to see the recipe attached to the item and modify it.
• Combo:
used in conjunction with Combo Group Maintenance to set the item
with combo selections; covered more in-depth in the Combo Group Mainte-
nance section in the Manager Tab Features chapter.
• Hide Item:
when enabled, hides the item from the home screen but keeps them
in the database so they can be re-enabled later.
Tax Rates:
allows you to add multiple tax rates to an item.