Button Descriptions
• Ticket Field:
This field is where you will ring up items. When items are on the
ticket field, they can be deleted, transferred, or held. This field also shows dis-
counts applied to items.
• Search Bar:
This can be used to locate and ring up an item quickly without hav-
ing to find the actual button. If using barcodes, the barcode number can also be
typed here to find the item.
• Items:
Items are sorted into different categories. When selected, they ring up on
the ticket field.
• Categories:
Categories contain items that can be selected. There are mulitiple
reports that can be ran based on categories so it is a good idea to keep these
Inventory Options:
The inventory options allow you to see the current count of
the item selected on the ticket field. This will let you mark the item for reorder
and at the bottom gives you options for discounts on the currently selected item
and the ability to comp the item.
Ticket Options:
This section contains the main Pay button along with options
that allow you to easily change the quantity of items, add redemptions, and void