Admin Screen Features
• Rental:
turns the item into a rental item; selecting this will add two more buttons to Page 1: Rental
Info and Rates. Setting up a rental item is covered more in-depth in the Rental Maintenance sec-
tion in this chapter.
• Discountable:
allows the item to be discountable; disable if employees can’t apply discounts to it.
sets the item to be taxable, regardless of if the department applied to the item would add
• Returnable:
allows customers to return the item and the system to add it back into inventory.
• Measurable Qty:
when enabled and the item is selected on the home screen, the system will
prompt for an amount of the item. When used with the Use Decimal Qty setting, allows user to in-
put a decimal amount, best used in the case of weighed items. Must have Force Item Add enabled
on user’s Role Maintenance.
• Use Decimal Qty:
when enabled with Measurable Qty, allows user to input decimal amounts for
quantity totals; cannot be used with Prompt Qty.
• Prompt Name:
prompts user for item name when enabled.
• Low Count Alert:
allows the item to display a warning when below Par; must be used in conjunc-
tion with the setting Enable Low Count Alerts in Admin -> Company Settings -> Inventory.
• Mark For Reorder:
allows user to manually mark an item for reorder, which will display the item on
the Reorder Report, along with anything else in the system that is below Par.
• Track Item:
the system tracks items in reporting regardless of if this is checked or not; this setting
instead can be used in conjunction with the Allow Auto86 of Items setting in Admin -> Company
Settings -> Inventory to automatically grey out items in the system that are at a count of 0 or be-
low. If an employee does not have Force Item Add enabled, they will not be allowed to order this
• Out of Stock:
when checked, this will grey the item out on the home screen; can be toggled off and
on from both the item maintenance screen and the Edit Button screen that appears when editing
buttons from the home screen.
• Prompt Qty:
prompts user for the amount of this item that they want to ring up when they select
the item.
• Prompt Price:
prompts user for price of the item they are ringing in; useful for market price items.
• Use Scale:
enables the item to be usable with one of the Paradise compatible scales.
Page 1 Settings