Reporting - An In-Depth Look
Total Profit Report
This report shows your total income and your total expenses in a specific
period of time. It’s an especially useful report for retail merchants and any others
tracking cost of inventory in the Paradise system as it displays your profit (or loss)
based on your sales and expenses.
• Sales:
The total sales made in the given time range, which adds together the
Sub and Tax amounts.
Total tax collected in the given time range.
• Sub:
The total sales made in the given time range before tax has been added.
• Cost:
If items in the system are given a cost amount, this column totals it. This
cost is subtracted from Sales to create the amount listed in Profit.
• Comm.:
This is only used by merchants using commission; this totals the com-
mission made for the given time range, which is subtracted from Sales to create
the amount listed in Profit.
• Labor:
Calculates the cost of clocked in employees for the given time period.
Calculates the Profit made in the given time period by taking the Subtotal
and subtracting Cost, Commission, and Labor.