HTTP server functions/web pages
FP Web-Server V2.810 EN
12.1.4 HTTP address, CGI function PLC and calling parameter
Please also note the display/input in the "Location" field:
of the browser. Using the
parameter following the IP address, you can control various functions.
HTTP address
Downloads MAIN.HTM (in MAIN.HTM you can
neither use PLC data fields nor password
Downloads HTML page zzz.HTM
Downloads HTML page yyy.MTM including PLC
data. The file format .MTM is equivalent to the
.HTM format plus PLC data. The .MTM file is
generated by the Configurator. With automatic reload/update after xx
seconds. The maximum refresh rate is reached
with the input &U=0.
For rapidly changing PLC data, we recommend
using Java Applets, which can handle a much
higher data update/display rate. All following PLC data displayed (including
yyy.MTM) are addressed to the PLC with the
C-Net/MEWTOCOL Address xx (0..32). 0 is
equivalent to the universal address EE. The
default address (if no &A parameter is used)
can be determined in the base configuration
setting PLC MEWTOCOL Address. The &A
operator does not affect the default addressing
for input fields. All following PLC data displayed (including
yyy.MTM) are routed through the interface
with the specific number (). The &I operator
does not affect the default setting of the
interface for input fields.
Before downloading the page yyy, the internal
flag with the address Rxxy is set (w=1) or
reset (w=0). (xx=0...999, y=0...F, w=0/1)
Before downloading the page yyy, the output
with the address Yxxy is set/ reset.
(xx=0...999, y=0...F, w=0/1)
It is possible to combine different types of
can be omitted for relative hyperlinks in an
.HTM (or .MTM) file.
Only when the HTTP server is turned on can the modification of PLC
data (via &Y and &R commands) be temporarily turned off. If an error
occurs, writing to the PLC may be prevented. Therefore, the functioning
of the Ys and Rs is also affected.