Ethernet and serial (RS232C, RS485, USB) ports
FP Web-Server V2.810 EN
data monitoring, but up to ten GT panels can access the FP Web-Server
at the same time because the GT panels do not use MEWTOCOL monitor
To eliminate the problem of only one client being allowed to use FPWIN
Pro or FPWIN GR for data monitoring, permit only one client. See the
parameter MEWTOCOL number of clients.
MEWTOCOL communication between a PLC and FPWIN Pro (or an FP
Web-Server port client or GT panel) can involve a very high data load,
i.e. with a single FPWIN Pro client, communication can be hindered so
gravely that http pages and e-mail communication are slowed down
While MEWTOCOL multi-frame communication (program download) is
being executed, MEWTOCOL communication for the other clients
(including e-mail and http functions) is temporarily stopped! For more
information regarding the multi-frame communication timeout setting,
please refer to the PLC's timeout settings.
Both the MEWTOCOL server port and transparent server port can define
an idle timeout. Normally this timeout is not necessary because the
client controls the disconnect. If the client crashes, the server
connection remains open and cannot be used for new connections.
Therefore it is always recommended to set a high idle timeout value for
the server.
13.1.2 Client
On the client side (computer, GT panel or an FP Web port client) there are
several possibilities and/or software packages to communicate with the FP
Web-Server's MEWTOCOL server port (to exchange data with the PLC):
With FPWIN Pro, GTWIN or PCWAY, it is possible to communicate
directly with the FP Web-Server, i.e. the PLC/GT panel via the