Dial-out setup for PPP client
FP Web-Server V2.810 EN
documentation or explanation could be found at GMX. It can be assumed
that GMX blocks sending 'swamp mail'.
Modem connection and setup
The FP Web-Server's dial-out (PPP client) function is set up for RTS/CTS
handshake (pin 7 and 8 of the 9-pin connector). The following two
paragraphs describe how to setup the modem to also support RTS/CTS
handshake. Only if the connected modem cannot support RTS/CTS
handshake should pin 7 be bridged to pin 8. However, this is not
recommended and should only be used with a slow modem baud rate
(max. 9600 or 19200 bps).
The FP Web-Server firmware is designed for an FP Modem-EU or an FP
Modem-56k connected to its 9-pin port for Internet dialup. For this a
1:1 9-pin RS232C cable (standard computer to modem cable) can be
used to connect the FP Modem-EU or the FP Modem-56k to the 9-pin
connector of the FP Web-Server.
The FP Web-Server assumes the FP Modem-EU or FP Modem-56k
factory default settings. To make sure that the FP Modem has factory
settings, please use a terminal program on your computer and enter
the command AT&F&W. Please also make sure that all DIP switches of
the FP Modem are set to the
If a standard computer modem is to be used it can also be connected
by a 1:1 9-pin RS232C cable (standard computer to modem cable) to
the 9-pin connector of the FP Web-Server. Before the modem is
connected to the FP Web-Server, please use a terminal program to
enter the appropriate AT commands (see modem manual):
Ignore DTR changes (AT&D0)
RTS/CTS hardware handshake (AT&K0&R0)
No wait on dial tones (ATX3)
This setting is saved with the command AT&W for the next power-up or
ATZ command. If the modem is connected via a PBX to the PSTN, a “0w”
or “0” can be put in front of the Dialup ISP telephone number.
FP Web-Server configured as a PPP server
You can also configure a second FP Web-Server as a PPP server which can
then be dialed up instead of an ISP. This remote FP Web-Server, i.e. the