First steps
FP Web-Server V2.810 EN
network address, the other numbers define the participant's address. The
IP address of the FP Web-Server can be fixed or it can be allocated
dynamically by a DHCP-Server.
In a "self set-up" network (e.g. with only one hub) the IP addresses can
be assigned by yourself
In this case, do not use DHCP. For further information refer to Setup of
an Individual Ethernet LAN (see p. 181).
If the FP Web-Server is to be connected to an existing network, the
following data must be obtained from the network administrator:
Is there a DHCP-Server in the network? If NOT:
IP address: Which fixed IP address can be assigned to the FP
Netmask: How is the network address set up (length of the network
address and/or the participant's address)?
Gateway: What is the gateway's IP address? ( if there is no
gateway to be used).
3.6 Generate a new Configurator project
After having started the Configurator, a Configurator project can be opened
from the local hard drive with [OPEN]. A Configurator project consists of:
the configuration,
the e-mail texts, and
the HTML pages.
Upon the initial start, the "default_project" is automatically offered with
[OPEN]. With [OPEN] you can also load one of the examples (see
"Description of the HTML examples" on p. 173). You can save it under a
new name with [SAVE AS]. On the "Config" page you can adjust the
following, most important settings. You must configure at least the
The IP configuration (see "Determination of the IP configuration" on p.
33) has to be entered according to the destination network.
P r o c e d u r e