Additional information
FP Web-Server V2.810 EN
The following recipient's addresses are fixed: broadcast "to all"
Network address = 0 "the own network"
For information of the TCP/ IP installation on a Windows computer refer
the online help under
TCP/ IP Setup for Configurator/Browser Operations
via LAN.
FP Web-Server:
The IP address of the FP Web-Server can be fixed or it can be allocated
dynamically by a DHCP-Server. For more information refer to
the online
help under
DHCP or Fixed IP Address.
The following two decisions can be made to set up the IP configuration of
the FP Web-Server:
A) In a "self set-up" network (see p. 181) (e.g. with only one hub) the fixed IP addresses can be
assigned by yourself.
In many cases a class C network is used. The network is identified by 3
numbers. The participants (Computers, Units, FP Web-Server...) are
distinguished by the last number (1 to 254), e.g. to
In case this network is connected to a second network via a gateway
(e.g. the computer for configuration might be in this network), the
gateway address also needs to be specified, e.g.:
Computer in x.y.206.z Network with Netmask, using the
x.y.206.1 Gateway.
FP Web-Server in x.y.60.z
The network should have the following settings:
IP Add=x.y.60.31
B) In case the FP Web-Server should be connected to an existing network, the following data
must be asked from the network administrator:
Is there a DHCP-Server in the network? If NOT: