Additional information
FP Web-Server V2.810 EN
Verify the FP Web-Server configuration in the FP Web-Configurator Tool
under “Config”
If a static IP address setup should be used (private network or cross-over cable)
Check the IP address settings of your computer and the FP Web-Server
Under "Settings / Network Connections", open the properties dialog of
the computer's Ethernet/LAN card
Open the “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)” properties dialog
The “Subnet mask” setting should be the same as with your FP
Web-Server configuration. Also the left part of the “IP address”
(identified by the 255 value in the subnet mask) should be identical to
the FP Web-Server configuration. However the right part of the
computer's and FP Web-Server's “IP address” should be different.
P r o c e d u r e