Panasonic Eco Solutions Nordic AB
Rev: -
Planning Instructions Fire alarm system EBL512 G3, United version 2.7.x
Expansion boards 458x
Inside EBL512 G3 (5000 and 5001) there are space and holders for up
to six optional expansion boards of the types
4580 and 4581
to be
mounted, see drawing 512 G3 - 01. A ribbon cable
shall be used
for connection of up to six expansion board(s) to the main board.
(Connector "J2" on the expansion board respectively and "J9" on the
main board 5010.) See drawing 512 G3 - 26.
Figure 3. 8 zones expansion board
and 8 relays
expansion board
I/O Matrix board 4582
is a special type of "expansion board",
plugged as a "piggy back" to an
Application board
, which is
connected to a COM loop and to 24 V DC. On each COM loop 0-3
can up to four 4582 boards be used (i.e. up to 16 boards in total).
COM loop
is however a special loop, since the exp. boards
4580 and 4581 actually are internally connected on this loop, i.e. on
COM loop
can in total up to six 4580, 4581 and 4582 boards be
used. This means that for each exp. board 4580 and 4581 used, the
number of 4582 boards is reduced with one.
Figure 4. I/O Matrix board
Max. four of the I/O Matrix boards 4582 can be programmed as type
Generic and/or Zone control.
NOTE! < 200 programmable outputs per c.i.e. can be used.
Each expansion board 4580 & 4581 and the I/O Matrix board 4582
have to have a board address (board no. 0-5) set via jumpers on the
board respectively. On boards of type 4580 and 4581 jumpers "JP2-
JP4" and on board type 4582 jumpers "JP1-JP3", see Figure 5, page
28. All the board programming is done via
Win512 version 2.7.x
The 4582 board can be programmed as type Fan, Generic or Zone control.
It is mostly used with Australian Application boards but the General I/O
application board 4596 and Fan control application board 4594 (used with the
Fan control panel 4593) are available on all markets, see page 52.