:: Looking up contacts and other information
Looking up contacts and
other information
With the built-in search features on your Treo smartphone, you can find information
Enables you to dial your contacts by name. It locates people’s phone
numbers when you’re in the Phone or Messaging applications.
Searches through the text in all the applications on your smartphone.
Looking up contacts
You can look up contacts directly from the Contacts list. This feature helps you locate
contacts quickly by entering just a few letters of a contact’s name.
1. Press the Phone/Send
2. Select the Contacts favorite button.
3. From the Contacts list, enter the first few letters of the contact you want to find.
You can enter:
• First name (JOH for John) or
• Last name (SMI for Smith) or
• First name initial and last name (JSM for John Smith)
If entering the first few
letters doesn’t start a
search, go to Applications
and select Contacts, and
then try step 2 again. To
set your smartphone to
search from the Main View
of the Phone application,
go to that view, open the
Options menu, and select
General Preferences. Then
select the second pick list
and select Typing starts
contacts search.
To look up contacts in
other applications, select
the Lookup button if it
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