10.2.6 Norway
10.2.7 Spain
10.2.8 Sweden
10.2.9 Switzerland
10.2.10 United Kingdom and other European countries
10.3 European Authorized Representative
List of Tables
TABLE 1: Network specification
TABLE 3: List of touch screen icons
TABLE 4: List of hand control buttons
TABLE 5: Examples of eye steering buttons
TABLE 6: Examples of stereo buttons
TABLE 8: List of status indicator lights
TABLE 9: List of problems and solutions
TABLE 10: Scan head safety designation details
TABLE 11: Scan head dimensions
TABLE 12: Review client properties
TABLE 13: Touch screen properties
TABLE 14: Table size requirements
TABLE 15: Environmental ranges
TABLE 16: List of electromagnetic emission compliance
TABLE 17: List of electromagnetic immunity compliance
TABLE 18: List of recommended separation distances
List of Figures
FIGURE 1: P200TxE device connected to network
FIGURE 3: Optos OCT line scan example position and scan pattern
FIGURE 4: Optos OCT raster scan example area, scan pattern and fixed center
FIGURE 5: Optos OCT retina scan example scan area and cross hairs
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