Chapter 2 - Introduction
The device also includes a user guide, power cable and ethernet cable not shown on this diagram.
A table may also be supplied.
2.7.2 Network specification and characteristics
The following network specification is recommended when connecting the image server to a Wide Area
Network (WAN).
TABLE 1: Network specification
Network specification details
Scan head and image server PC
Connection type
Connection speed
1 Gbps recommended
Connection security
All scan head to server transport HTTPS by default
Connection ports (defaults)
Default 80, or 443 where a transport certificate is applied
Unused ports
Locked on scan head and image server PC
FIGURE 2: Network data flow
2.7.3 Image modalities
Optos multi-modal ultra-widefield retinal imaging enables the capture of posterior images, with a field of
view of up to 200 degrees in a single capture, and in an imaging time of less than 0.4 seconds.
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