Keratron™ Nova
Manual for installation and use
Cod. 161601EN
2016-12-28 Rev.B
Keratron™ Nova has been developed and optimized for the human eye
measurement. The use and evaluation of Keratron™ Nova in conditions not
specified in this manual, or performed using surfaces that have a reflectivity or
a different shape from those typical of the human eye (for example: contact
lenses , surfaces with discontinuity in tangent or concavity in any of its section
profiles, or surfaces such as to create multiple reflections or disappearance of
some mires) can not guarantee the same degree of accuracy and are
therefore strongly advised against.
When used as a corneal topographer, situations may occur which cause an
overlap of mires in the human eye in limited areas. This must be prevented by
ensuring good lacrimation and acquisitions of suitable quality images (see
especially the chapters devoted to the acquisition of images of the eye and the
last page of this manual) and, if necessary, proceed with correction using
appropriately the “Process editing” revision functions” . Thus, it is possible to
adjust the mire detection parameters, or at the end discard the artefacts. In
any case, the operator must ensure that every single reconstruction of the
mire is adequate before accepting as valid the data coming from the
The Keratron™ Nova topographer does not provide diagnosis.
operator should not rely solely on the parameters of the measure of the
cornea curvature by the instrument, but refer his own experience and
qualifications for the correct interpretation of the results.
In this manual as decimal separator character the "." (Period) instead of the
character "," (comma) was adopted in order to maintain consistency with the
figures and messages of software that adopt the Anglo-Saxon notation.
“ATTENTION: Do not modify this equipment without the manufacturer's