OR, 46, 108
combining with AND, 47
OR LD, 50, 109
combining with AND LD, 51
use in logic blocks, 51
OR NOT, 46, 108
ORW(35), 180
OUT, 48, 109
OUT NOT, 48, 109
READ(88), 218
RECV(98), 221
RET(93), 183
ROL(27), 132
ROOT(72), 172
ROR(28), 133
RSET<08>, 191
SBB(51), 176
SBN(92), 183
SBS(91), 183
SDEC(78), 154
SEND(90), 219
SET<07>, 191
SFT(10), 127
SFTR(84), 129
SLD(74), 133
SNXT(09), 199
SRD(75), 134
STC(40), 159
STEP(08), 199
SUB(31), 162
SUBL(55), 164
TCMP(85), 146
terminology, 42
TIM, 118
TIMH(15), 121
TIMW<13>, 195
TMHW<15>, 195
TRSM(45), 211
WAIT<05>, 193
WDT(94), 211
WRIT(87), 218
WSFT(16), 134
XCHG(73), 138
XFER(70), 138
XNRW(37), 182
XORW(36), 181
instructions, designations when inputting, 77
intelligent I/O instructions, 217–219
interlocks, 113–115
converting to mnemonic code, 114
using self-maintaining bits in, 93
Interrupt Input Units, 186–187
interrupts, 182
clearing, 186
control, 185
masking/unmasking, 186
priority, 189
scheduled, 187–188
example, 188
IR area, 18–23
jump numbers, 115
jumps, 115–116
ladder diagram
branching, 86
IL(02) and ILC(03), 88
using TR bits, 86
controlling bit status
using DIFU(13) and DIFD(14), 92, 110–111
using KEEP(11), 112–117
using OUT and OUT NOT, 48
converting to mnemonic code, 44–58
display via GPC, FIT, or LSS, 43
combining, AND LD and OR LD, 51
controlling bit status
using KEEP(11), 92
using OUT and OUT NOT, 109
format, 102
notation, 102
structure, 43
using logic blocks, 49
ladder diagram instructions, 107–109
Ladder Support Software.
peripheral devices
CPU indicators
leftmost, definition, 17
Link System, flags and control bits, 24–28
Link Systems, servicing, 230
Link Units
See also
flags, 36
PC cycle time, 233
logic block instructions, converting to mnemonic code, 49–57
logic blocks.
ladder diagram
logic instructions, 179–182
loops, block programs, 197
LR area, 38–39
peripheral devices
memory areas
clearing, 62
definition, 15
messages, programming, 209
mnemonic code, converting, 44–58
modifying data, hex/binary, 257
binary, 261
three words, 259
mounting Units, location, 13