Operation of CASY TT
MAIN MENU – Edit Setup
NAME (Setup name)
Each setup can be assigned a specified name. Each name can be up to 10 characters long (letters
and numbers). The setup name is output with the numerical measuring results both on the display
and on the printout.
Measuring parameters
The measuring parameters must be set before the measurement takes place. They cannot be modi-
fied once the measurement has been carried out. To change the measuring para meters, the sample
must always be subjected to a second measurement!
The capillary belonging to the processed setup is displayed here for information only. You
cannot change its value. To select a different capillary, you must use the
Select Capillary
command in the
Main Menu
The range of the size distribution to be shown in the graphic display can be set in
increments of 5 or 10 µm. An additional range of 0 – 3 µm is available for the 45 µm
measuring capillary. All scales start at 0 µm. This guarantees optimum comparability of
the measuring results.
Sample Vol:
Enter here the measuring volume (200 or 400 µl). The set measuring volume is auto-
matically considered as the cell concentration is calculated. For the 150 µm capillary you
should in principle use the 400 µl setting.
Enter here the number of repeat measurements (1 – 10). The individual measurements are
automatically accumulated. The maximum measuring volume is 4.0 ml (10 × 400 µl). The set
measuring cycles are automatically considered as the cell concentration is calculated.
Evaluation parameters
The dilution factor is used to calculate the cell concentration in the original sample. It is
entered in exponential format (
, for dilution 200, enter: 2.000e+02). Pressing
ables the input marker to move from number to number. Holding this key down causes
the input marker to move backwards.
setting automatically modifies the Y-axis scale according to the distribution maxi-
mum. The Y-axis scale can also be set in predefined steps between 10 and 7500. This
enables the scale to be manually modified to the level of the distribution maximum. It is
advisable to modify manually, if the peak of interest within the size distribution is not the
The right and left-hand evaluation cursors (shown in the size distribution as a continu-
ous line) determine the size range to be used to calculate the measuring result. For
all percentage calculations (% viability, % counts, or % volume), the evaluation cursors
define the size range for which the percentage of the standard range (see Norm.Cursor)
is calculated. The
keys can be used to position the evaluation cursor. Pressing
enables you to shift the input marker between the numbers before and after the
decimal points. If the marker is positioned before the decimal point,
causes a
change by 10 measuring channels, if it is positioned after the decimal point, the keys cause
a change by one measuring channel. One measuring channel corresponds to 1/400 of the
scale range selected under the X-axis (see measuring parameter). To modify the evaluation
cursor while visually monitoring the size distribution, you may also use the control panel
arrow keys (see Chapter 6.6).
The right and left-hand normalization cursors (shown in the size distribution as a dot-
ted line) determine the size range for which all percentage calcu l ations indicate 100% (%
viability, % counts, or % volume). Parameters
also calculated for this range. In the % viability setting, the left-hand normalization cursor
also defines the size range for determining
. The procedure for setting the
normalization cursor is the same as that described for the evaluation cursor. The nor-
malization cursor can also be modified using the control panel arrow keys while visually
monitoring the size distribution.