OFITE, 11302 Steeplecrest Dr., Houston, TX 77065 USA / Tel: 832-320-7300 / Fax: 713-880-9886 / www.ofite.com
“Conditioning Speed” -
The speed (RPM) for conditioning the cement
slurry prior to the SGSM test.
The recommended conditioning speed is 30 RPM. This is equivalent
(based on surface area) to conditioning at 150 RPM in a pressurized
“Conditioning Time” -
This is the amount of time the SGSM will
condition the cement before it begins measuring gel strength. This value
must be at least 2 minutes in order to give the SGSM time to establish a
zero offset.
After the Conditioning Time, the SGSM will periodically measure gel
strength based on the “Test Speed”, “Test Time”, and “Wait Time” fields.
“Test Speed” -
The speed (RPM) the bob will turn to break the gel and
measure the gel strength of the cement.
“Test Time” -
The amount of time the bob will turn while measuring gel
“Wait Time” -
The amount of time the bob will pause between gel
strength measurement periods.
“Strength #1”, Strength #2”, ... “Strength #5” -
Enter a gel strength
value in each of these fields. When the cement reaches that gel strength,
the software will record the elapsed time and print it on the graph.
“Print to Printer” -
When this option is on, a graph of the test results will
automatically print to the printer when a test is complete.