User Manual
Welcome to SAMM
There was a time not too long ago when the interface to a sonar was a printer. The sonar would
ping, echoes would return, be converted to voltage, and a stylus on a moving belt would cross a
scroll of paper, burning images proportional to the echo strength. Now many sonars come with
perfectly adequate graphical user interfaces that create a waterfall or PPI (plan-position
indicator) view of the data. These are fine, but often lack context, i.e. they don’t show the data
in reference to each other, or the world. SAMM changes all this.
SAMM (Stand Alone Mosaicking Module) is Oceanic Imaging Consultants Inc.’s (OIC) software
program for real-time mosaicking of underwater imagery. SAMM automatically creates mosaics
of your sidescan, forward-look (FLS) and mechanical scanning sonar data in real time over your
co-registered charts or imagery, while logging the raw data for playback and post-processing.
Whether in real-time or playback, SAMM will show where you’ve been and what you saw.
This manual documents SAMM’s features and functions. Information is presented in the order
that you need it for out-of-the-box playback or data acquisition. It discusses each process in the
SAMM workflow and how to accomplish it. Selected sections conclude with a table of
commands relevant to the workflow process described in that section, which serves as a review
of the commands available in SAMM and how to execute them. Selected sections also include
an interactive tutorial for demonstrating some of the features. Test data are provided with the
software for use with the tutorial instructions. The sections are as follows:
System Requirements and Setup
The Graphical User Interface (GUI)
Configure SAMM
Load Charts
Add Files or Begin Acquisition
Display and Processing Settings
Work with Contacts
Additional Features
End Acquisition and Close Project.
We use the following typographical rules throughout this manual for emphasis and clarity:
indicates onscreen buttons, commands, fields, or icons from a toolbar, menu
or window.
Courier New
indicates user input or SAMM output. This includes all of the text in the
SAMM interface that your actions can change.
Grey shading of text or columns in a table indicates specific tutorial instructions. Follow
these directions to check your work against the figures in this manual.
Key names are written as they appear on the keyboard. Key combinations are indicated
with a plus sign between them, e.g., to press Alt+F, press Alt and F simultaneously.
Click means to press the left mouse button. Double-click means to quickly press the left
mouse button twice. Right-click means to press the right mouse button.
For further assistance using the SAMM program, we encourage you to contact us.
Phone 1-808-539-3706
Fax: 1-808-539-3710