User Manual
Forward Look Window
The Forward Look PPI window shows
the forward-look sonar data in a pie-
shaped window (Figure 10). The
numbers on the sides mark the slant
range in meters from the sonar head.
Numbers on the arc side of the PPI mark
the angle in degrees from the pointing
direction the sonar head Use this
window to mark contacts and monitor
your image quality.
The mosaic is generated from the data
within the area outlined in green in the
Forward-Look window display, This is set
by adjusting arc and range (rng) on the
FLS Processing Controls panel
If you close the Forward Look
window, reopen it by clicking on
Display the forward look
icon in the toolbar.
Figure 10. Forward Look Window
Waterfall Window
The waterfall window provides a
configurable view of sidescan data,
which supports zooming, slant- and
ground-range display and target marking.
The oscilloscope panel located above
sidescan waterfall displays the raw
sidescan data in a wiggle-trace, port data
on the left in red, starboard data on the
right in green.
Figure 11. Waterfall Window
3.5.1 Waterfall Toolbar
Waterfall toolbar is located above oscilloscope panel. The toolbar icons are pictured and
described in Table 3. Toolbar Icons, in the order that they appear from left to right on the