Unless set OFF, the Audible Alarm will sound and the red LED
Warning Light will flash for 10 seconds, or until acknowledged
by pressing the S button.
If you descend below the required Decompression Ceiling before
5 minutes have elapsed, the ATOM will continue to function in
Decompression Dive Mode. In this case, no off-gassing Credit
will be given, and for each minute above the Ceiling 1
minutes of
Penalty Time
will be added to Required Stop Time.
The added Penalty (decompression) Time will have to be 'worked
off' first, before obtaining off-gassing credit.
Once the Penalty Time is worked-off, and off-gassing Credit
begins, required decompression Stop Depths and Time will
decrease toward zero. The Tissue Loading Bar Graph will
recede into the No Decompression Zone and the ATOM will
revert to the No Decompression Dive Mode.
NOTE: Upon entry into the following 3 Delayed
Violation Modes, the red LED warning light will
light and the Audible Alarm will sound, even if
Set OFF. When these events occur, the Alarm
cannot be acknowledged (silenced) by pressing
the S button.