Displays the heat sink temperature of each RF module.
Relative Humidity:
Displays the measured relative humidity (RH) within the i401 laser housing. When purge gas is flowing,
the RH value should drop to 0% (± 10%) within 10–15 minutes. If the relative humidity never drops below
approximately 10%, then slightly increase the purge gas flow rate.
Flow Sensor Temp*:
Displays cooling system temperature measured after the RF amplifier modules.
Important Note: The low Sensor Temp value is not a measurement of coolant temperature and
should not be used to adjust the chiller’s setpoint.
Internal Tickle Setting:
Indicates that tickle is active (ON) and displays the actual tickle setting.
5 Seconds Delay Setting:
Indicates that the five-second delay is active (Enabled).
Error message area:
Hard faults (those that require a power cycle), are annunciated in the upper (red) error message area
while warnings are described in the lower (yellow) message area. If a fault occurs before the web
interface is active, the fault or warning message is displayed; however, no other operating data is
archived or displayed.
Reference: i401 Diagram:
Hyperlink to an illustration showing various i401 modules and their location inside the laser housing.
Configure IP Address link:
Click this link to change the laser’s factory-default IP address ( See the Changing the i401’s
IP address section for details.