Status LEDs
i401 LED indicators, also mirrored as output signals on the User I/O connector, provide status in-
formation to the user. Table below shows I401 output signal and LED indicator states during normal and
fault conditions. User I/O outputs are Closed when the state indicated by the signal name is logically
Table 5-2 Status signals
On DC power-up of an i401 laser, the RDY lamp illuminates yellow when INT and TMP indicators illumi-
nate green. After the RDY indicator illuminates, internal tickle is enabled, and a five-second delay begins
before lasing is permitted. When a Shutter Open Request signal is applied, the internal shutter opens, the
SHT LED illuminates blue, and application of a PWM Command signal causes the LASE indicator to
illuminate red as lasing begins.
For safety reasons, the shutter function on i401 lasers is dependent on the state of the Remote Interlock
input, which is reflected by the state of INT and RDY indicators. Although a Shutter Open Request signal
may be applied, the SHT LED will not illuminate while the INT LED is red (RDY LED Off). Therefore, no
power is applied to the RF boards until the INT indictor is green (and the RDY LED is yellow).
Following table (on the following page) illustrates the dependencies of various operating parameters
based on the state of the Remote Interlock input. The conditions shown in bold are those required for
lasing to be enabled.