Turn on the chiller and set the temperature setpoint between 18 °C–22 °C. Verify that the chiller is
delivering a flow rate of 15.1 lpm (4 GPM) at less than 414 kPa (60 PSI) of pressure. Examine all
cooling connections carefully and ensure that they do not leak.
If you have not yet operated your UC-2000 Universal Laser Controller, refer to the UC-2000 Laser
Controller Operator’s Manual for setup and operation instructions before continuing
Start purge gas flow at a rate of 0.85–1.7 m
/hr (30–60 SCFH, Standard Cubic Feet per Hour) at a
pressure not to exceed 34.5 kPa (5 PSI) If a flowmeter is not available, set a purge pressure
between 13.8–34.5 kPa (2–5 PSI).
Set the UC-2000 to MANUAL mode, and then set the PWM Adj Knob to provide zero percent
output (0.0%). The UC-2000’s Lase indicator should be Off.
Turn on the +48 VDC power supply.
If the factory-wired Quick Start Plug is installed, the INT indicator will illuminate green, the SHT indicator
will illuminate blue, and the RDY LED will illuminate yellow. The TMP indicator will illuminate green if laser
temperature is within safe operating limits.
Starting your i401 laser
Unlike other I401 lasers, the SHT LED on i401 lasers is dependent on the state of the RDY indicator.
Although a Shutter Open Request signal is applied, the SHT LED will not light while the RDY LED is Off.
Therefore, no power is applied to the RF boards until the RDY indicator is illuminated.
Each time an i401 OEM laser is powered up, a five-second delay occurs between the time the RDY
indicator illuminates and the i401 is permitted to lase. After the five-second delay (and while the SHT
LED is off), tickle is applied to maintain the laser in a ready state. Once a Shutter Open Request signal is
applied, and the SHT LED illuminates, apply PWM Command signals to begin lasing.
Caution: Possible Equipment Damage
Inlet cooling water temperature must always be maintained above the dew point to prevent
condensation and water damage to your I401 laser.
Caution: Possible Equipment Damage
Do not exceed a gas purge pressure of 34.5 kPa (5 PSI). Excessive pressure may damage the purge
assembly or other internal laser components.
Do not use argon as a purge gas. Use only nitrogen or clean, dry air as described in Table 1-4, Purge
gas specifications.