Nortel Switched Firewall 2.3.3 User’s Guide and Command Reference
Command reference
213455-L, October 2005
Firewall License Menu
The Firewall License Menu is used for pre-configuring Check Point licenses for the Firewall.
[Firewall License Menu]
list - List detailed status of current IPs and Licenses
del - Delete firewall license
add - Add firewall license
pastelic - Paste firewall license
Table 77
Firewall License Menu (/cfg/lic)
Command Syntax and Usage
This command is used to list the IP addresses and Check Point licenses currently in the
Plug N Play resource pool. Listed data includes the expiration dates of the licenses.
Licenses configured using the Check Point central licensing mechanism will not be listed
using this command.
This command is used to remove an IP address and/or Check Point license from the
Plug N Play resource pool. You will be prompted to enter the IP address you wish to
have removed from the pool. Only unused resources can be deleted.
This command is used to add a Check Point license.You will be prompted to enter Check
Point license information.
The add command is for adding a license that is bound to the IP address of the
This command is used to paste the entire license string. First, you will be prompted to
select the firewall and then asked to paste the license string. See
Installing the Firewall
license on page 43
on using this command.