Nortel Switched Firewall 2.3.3 User’s Guide and Command Reference
Command reference
213455-L, October 2005
Platform Logging Menu
The Platform Logging Menu is used to configure system message logging features. Messages
can be logged to the system console terminal, ELA facility, archived to a file which can be
automatically e-mailed, and used for debugging.
[Platform Logging Menu]
syslog - Syslog Logging Menu
ela - ELA Logging Menu
arch - Log Archiving Menu
debug - Set syslog debugging
srcip - Set syslog source ip mode
Table 45
Platform Logging Menu (/cfg/sys/log)
Command Syntax and Usage
The System Logging Menu is used to configure syslog servers. The Nortel Switched
Firewall software can send log messages to specified syslog hosts.
page 314
for menu items.
The ELA Menu is used to configure the Event Logging API (ELA) feature. ELA allows
log messages to be sent to a Check Point SmartCenter Server for display through the
Check Point SmartView Tracker.
page 315
for menu items.
The Log Archiving Menu is used to archive log files when the file reaches a specific size
or age. When log rotation occurs, the current log file is set aside or e-mailed to a speci-
fied address and a new log file is begun.
page 317
for menu items.